Friday, November 19, 2010

when it come to love...

i have this theory about guys, it's not a great one..but it's mine.
if guys could choose between being in love or never loving..they'll go with never having to love.


because men love little.
and they rarely love.
they would rather be superior.
and obviously not all women are okay with that.
men are unable to be equal..and their love is never equal.
you must be close to the definition of perfection to get a man's love.
i am not talking about ' we've been together for a month and were madly in love ' kinda deal.
because all that is nonsense and it's senseless how one can actually believe such a thing.
that's not the kind of love any woman might want...
of course my theory doesn't include all men, there are a couple that are actually different.
and my theory does not pertain to them. 

the different ones: the kinda guys who don't carry a mirror in their pocket, metaphorically of course.
they are the ones who have loved, they've experienced real love...and possibly lost it. 
they are the ones who will hold your hand at all times, they are the ones who can tell apart your smile in a crowd.
they are the ones who can look you in the eyes and not judge you for where they've been. 
they are the ones who won't give up on you when the rest of the world has. 
..but unfortunately, their isn't many of them.

“Woman was taken out of man; not out of his head to top him, nor out of his feet to be trampled underfoot; but out of his side to be equal to him, under his arm to be protected, and near his heart to be loved.”


 dear guys,

love is stupid, scary, shy, reckless, awkward, silly, and at times painful..but love is love.
you need to be willing to dive in to feel the beauty of it. 
girls just want someone who wants them back, at least thats what I want. 
that's pretty much all there is to it...everyone wants to be wanted by somebody.


lea (: 

to those who lost me, those who weren't able to keep me longer. those who said always and forever. 
it's not that you went horribly wrong, or that you didn't impact my life in some way... you just weren't willing to go all the way. you all could have fixed what went wrong, you could have made everything better but you all chose not to. i wanted you to fight for me. and tell me that you would rather be alone than with anyone else! 
i didn't ask for the stars, i just wished for them. and you all weren't able to tell the difference. 

love you all <333

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