Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Andrew Flintoff: 'I never want to captain England again'

He was at it again this morning, just like the day before, just as he will be tomorrow. Rising before 6am, out of the house at 6.20am, thudding the treadmill by quarter to seven. A public gym beside the M60 is where the first, sweat-salted steps towards the Ashes are being taken. Recent events make English cricket appear ill but Andrew Flintoff is a picture of health.

He has seldom looked or — though four ankle operations leave you taking nothing for granted — felt better. We met on Monday which, for Freddie, started the same as almost every day since Christmas. “I do two hours in the gym, six days a week. I use the David Lloyd by the Trafford Centre. We’re not like footballers, we don’t have gyms in our houses,” he says, smiling........read more

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